Government unveils new Employment Rights Bill
On 10 October 2024, the government unveiled the new Employment Rights Bill, aiming to help deliver economic security and growth to businesses, workers and communities across the UK.
The wording of the Bill is yet to be released, but for now, a summary of the key changes are:
removing the existing two-year qualifying period for protections from unfair dismissal (rights from day one)
introducing a new statutory probation period for companies’ new hires
ending "exploitative" zero hours contracts and fire and rehire practices
establishing day one rights for paternity, parental and bereavement leave
strengthening statutory sick pay
removing the lower earnings limit for all workers
cutting out the waiting period before sick pay kicks in.
Accompanying this will be measures to help make the workplace more compatible with people’s lives, with flexible working made the default where practical. Large employers will also be required to create action plans on addressing gender pay gaps and supporting employees through the menopause, and protections against dismissal will be strengthened for pregnant women and new mothers.
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