RPC Raid Response app
Your dawn raid survival toolkit
While you may invest significant time and money in maintaining compliance processes and procedures, even the best organised businesses can become the subject of an unannounced visit by a regulatory or criminal investigatory authority, commonly known as a dawn raid. Often, this is not due to any suspected wrongdoing by the organisation itself, but because one of their clients or customers is under investigation by regulators (such as HMRC, the SFO, the NCA and the FCA) and simultaneously being raided.
A dawn raid is one of the most stressful events you can experience. This is because getting it wrong can have such serious repercussions, including significant financial and reputational damage or even prison time for individuals. We have significant experience of dawn raids,and have assisted clients from a range of industries and backgrounds to navigate their way through this challenging time. Drawing on this experience, we have developed a truly market leading dawn raid response toolkit to assist you should the unthinkable happen.
RPC Raid Response is a free toolkit which provides all the guidance you need to successfully navigate and manage a raid in one easy to use interactive app.
Key features of the toolkit include:
live report incident button which instantly connects to RPC’s specialist lawyers
interactive step-by-step guide on how to manage a dawn raid
task list has a date and time stamp along with space for comments which can be used for evidential purposes
ability to upload photos of key documents eg search warrant
ascertain status of employees
detailed Resources Library, including FAQ’s.
Download RPC Raid Response via the Apple App Store and Google Play for free.