If the premises is a workplace under the control of the employer, the person responsible for this (the "responsible person") may be the employer, building owner or landlord. If the building is not a workplace, the responsible person will be the person who has control of the premises in connection with the trade, business or undertaking carried out (for profit or not); which could also be the owner.
The responsible person must carry out, or appoint a competent person to carry out, an assessment of the fire risks to people on the premises and within the vicinity and review it regularly. The fire risk assessment must be in writing and provided to residents. In an HRB, the Responsible Person must cooperate with the Accountable Person.
Business and individuals commissioning building works
The BSA imposes duties on those commissioning building works, and businesses of any size may at some point need to arrange construction works. In that event, duties apply such as the duty to make suitable arrangements for planning, managing and monitoring a project so that it complies with all relevant requirements and to consider the fire safety needs of a project at the early design and planning stage, before obtaining planning permission.